Practical training: Programming Lab Distributed Systems - Details

Practical training: Programming Lab Distributed Systems - Details

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General information

Course name Practical training: Programming Lab Distributed Systems
Subtitle Simulating LEO Satellite Network Performance (Starlink) in Mobility Scenarios
Course number 6.660
Semester WiSe 2024/25
Current number of participants 9
Home institute Institut für Informatik
Courses type Practical training in category Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Pre-requisites This course requires fundamental knowledge from the computer networks lectures
Art der Durchführung Präsenz-Sitzungen ohne Video-Aufzeichnung [präsenz]
ECTS points 6

Rooms and times

Module assignments


The course will be held as a three-week block course by the end of the semester in February/March 2025. More details will follow soon.