Seminar: Artificial Intelligence in Education (CS-BWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence), (CS-MWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence) - Details

Seminar: Artificial Intelligence in Education (CS-BWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence), (CS-MWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence) - Details

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Allgemeine Informationen

Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Artificial Intelligence in Education (CS-BWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence), (CS-MWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence)
Veranstaltungsnummer 8.3421
Semester WiSe 2021/22
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 98
Heimat-Einrichtung LE Cognitive Science
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen
Erster Termin Freitag, 05.11.2021 10:00 - 12:00, Ort: 93/E31
Sprache Englisch
ECTS-Punkte 4

Räume und Zeiten

Freitag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (7x)
Freitag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (3x)
Freitag, 17.12.2021 15:00 - 16:00
(BigBlueButton (via Meetings))
Freitag: 10:00 - 12:00, wöchentlich (1x)


The seminar gives an overview of the history, current topics and future developments of the use of artificial intelligence for educational applications. The participants work on this overview by reading and discussing central texts concerning artificial intelligence for education and by testing concrete teaching and learning environments and applications.